Configure Prescription Details

Order repeat prescriptions 24/7 with the NHS App


Order your repeat prescriptions online using SystmOnline 24/7

Repeat Prescriptions

We strongly encourage patients to order their prescriptions via Engage Consult, the NHS App or with Systmonline. If you are unable to use one of these methods you can also request your repeat medication by indicating the items you require on the tear-off slip of your prescription and handing it in at the practice reception.


Electronic Prescribing Service

This practice is set up for the electronic prescription service.

This means that for most patients we can send your prescription to your chosen chemist directly saving you having to come down to the surgery.

To get your prescription sent to your chosen pharmacy you will have to ask reception to sign up.

For more information about electronic prescribing services.

Local Pharmacies

Peak Pharmacy
23 Walnut Tree Centre, MK7 7AN

14 Winchester Circle, MK10 0BA

Tesco Pharmacy
1 Winchester Circle, MK10 0AH

Jardines Pharmacy
Griffith Gate, MK10 9BQ

Jardines Pharmacy
Brooklands Medical Centre, MK10 7LN

View more local pharmacies